Wild Wednesday Roll Call

Patricia R.
on 8/2/11 8:20 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning PA,
I am up early, due to a headache/backache issue that won't let me go back to sleep.  I am about to get dressed and walk Utley.  He has had three accidents in the past two days, messy ones.  I am concerned because I have to go to work this morning and the landlady is showing my apartment to prospective tenants.  I am moving downstairs on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend. 

This morning I am heading to wor****il around 12:30.  Then, I am driving a friend from AA to a doctor's appointment.  I must remember to take my knitting with me for the waiting room.

The Phillies are on around 3:00 this afternoon, so I must be home for that.  Then, tonight I am heading to an AA meeting tonight.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Liz R.
on 8/2/11 8:32 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Trish & PA!

I am feeling out of sorts this morning, headache, stuffy, VERY prissy pouch. But I am at work none the less until 3:30ish. After work headed straight home to hang with Mia until what is hopefully an early bedtime! We are short one person in the office but believe it or not things run so much better when she isn't here. I'll gladly absorb the workload!
IdaMae D.
on 8/2/11 9:24 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Trish & PA;

Trish - do you think Utly might be missing you since he's so used to having you home and to himself since you've retired?  Might be contributing to the messes?  I know when Gene and I are away it affects Hider and we have to give her time to re-adjust to our schedules when we throw a change at her.

Liz - hope you feel better!

Today I have a PCP appt.  Time to see what all my blood work shows or does not show.  I'm also scheduled for a B-12 shot today.

After that I'm working from home, made more sense to come home from doc's which is less than 5 min from the house and start working than getting in the car to drive down 95.  Will work till 4-5ish then need to read some books for class and write a 1 paragraph paper.  This is quite possibly the shortest paper I've written in a long time and will probably write for the rest of this program :-)  I think the short papers are much tougher to write than the long papers.

Hope everyone has a great day....



on 8/2/11 9:39 pm - PA
Morning Pa,
Trish hope you feel better soon, you need some relax time, and maybe Utley will cut you a break and get back in the potty grove.
Liz, hope you fell better, it's a bear when you have little ones and you must get it together and move, and with going to work it' only added frustration.  Take five minutes,some deep breaths and continue on.
Survived the water park yesterday.  The kids had a ball, but I had to drag them out of there at 4:00, I had decided that would be our leave time, but I could have been happy leaving at 3:00, which most people with small children did.  It was terribly hot, and I found my self going into the water about every 10 minutes.  We were at the kiddy pool, but all the other Moms,Dads, and Grandmas were sitting in there to cool off too, so I didn't feel so bad.
Everything is packed up this morning, added some cold fruit as the freezer packs did ok yesterday.  The troops are still asleep in their "camp" I am the only nut with a two man tent in my livingroom, I gave them flashlights, and they did stay in there the whole nite, I really figured the king size bed and I were going to have company, but I guess they were so tired once they passed out they were good for the nite.  I did have a major good thing happen, my grandson is a special needs child, and will only eat set things.  I made a pizza I got at Walmart, he out and out refused to try or so he said when I had it in the oven, if it's something he has never eaten, he won't even try.  I told him he need to just taste it.  He ate 4 pieces!!!  Thank You DiGiorno's we now have a new food to add to the list.  In his picky world this is a major accomplishment.  Need to feed the kids and be on our way for day two, only 13 more to go.  Have a good day everyone.
Ida so sorry that things are going so badly, wish I knew what to tell you about the GC that you have not already thought about, other than the fact that Angies List will not get a good recommendation for him.  Lisa keep you head up and body moving, you will get in the grove with the second job, and soon you will not even remember the time when you did not have it.  (been there done that, I worked in Philly, took the train home, went home to change and then out the door to second job that lasted till 1am.  It was the hardest thing I ever did, especially as my husband at the time was working No job, it made it hard for me to see him sitting home on unemployment and me killing myself, guess that's part of the reason we are no longer together) Sorry.
Have a good day all,

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




on 8/2/11 9:41 pm
Trish, you might consider crating Utley when you are at work. Dogs are amazingly content in a crate. It greatly reduces the anxiety of being in an empty house. Also, with people in and out that he doesn't know, he might do better.

Working, laundry, and writing class for me today! Also dropping a load of goodies at Goodwill. I think I have finally sorted out all the clothes that are too big from my closet. Biggest surprise to me was shoes...I have dropped from a 9 to a 7.
on 8/2/11 9:46 pm
Good morning Trish and PA!

Trish and Liz- I hope you both feel better soon!!

Yesterday was a wash. My friend who was in the hospital kept on changing things on me all day. First, she wasn't coming home, then she was, then she didn't know what time, then she did. Then she wanted me to pick up something for her, then she decided that it could be done tomorrow. Then she wanted to stop off at the store on the way home, then one of her other friends volunteered to take her home. I was kind of glad because all of this really exhausted me! She is really high maintenance!! I know she just had surgery and all, but I don't like being left hanging!

Today I have to do a few errands (one of them for said friend), then I need to clean out the refrigerator and freezer! After Dee gets home from school we will head over to said friends apartment to visit with her....Oh Boy!!! After that, I am sure I will want to go to bed! LOL!!!

Have a great day!!
Love to all, Beth

Lisa H.
on 8/2/11 10:11 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning all.. so I went to work at 4:00 yesterday and found out that they had made it earlier for today, not yesterday.  She said it was no problem and I could start b/c the other manager was ready to go home anyway.  She said they are very flexible and no biggie.  So today I have to work from 4-9:30 again.  The time goes fast, but it is definitely tiring.  I will get used to it.  I DO need to let them know that I have to be able to stop for 10 minutes at least to get something to eat.  I was ok last night, but I'm afraid that not eating will either cause my sugar to drop or that I will come home and eat like a pig at 10 pm and I don't want either to happen.  

So today will be all about work.   I just got off the phone with Tanya.  She is on her way up here for a long weekend.  She has a follow up appointment with the plastic surgeon and her kids have appointments.  She is also going to leave Kam with his dad for the rest of the summer.  I know that will be hard on her, but he has a very involved dad and his step mom is also great with him, so she knows that it will be ok.    I'm going to go up on Friday so we can get together, otherwise I won't see her while she is here. 

Other than work, nothing else going on today.  

Hope everyone has a great day. 

My tracker


on 8/2/11 10:19 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning!

Trish-I agree with Lynn maybe a crate for Utley may be a good solution now that you are out of the house again and not home with him as much. I crate trained my Peanut and it is his go to place even when we are home. He goes in and lays down and naps or eventakes his bone in there plus when we do need to go out for extended periods of time all we have to say is "Peanut go to your crate" and he happily runs in. It may work for Utley..he may be having some separation anxiety with you gone and the impending move.
Hope it works out!

As for me today, not much on the agenda. Had a very rrough day yesterday--very headachy and uber tired...I never even got dressed yesterday. Just stayed in my PJs and napped on and off all day. I think working for most of the summer and all that running around the last few weeks has finally caught up with me...I am feeling very much 8 months pregnant now. Exhaustion is now pretty commonplace for me!
But today I am going to get showered head out early to run some errands , come home prob nap(Big surprise! LOL) and then just start sorting through baby stuff and run the vaccuum...oh and finish the last module on my latest ACT 48 course so I can write the paper and submit it tonight...start a new one prob on Thursday..gotta get these hours done before the 31st...ahhhh...

Hope everyone has a great day!

Much luv!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 8/2/11 11:05 pm - Croydon, PA
All this "crate" talk, and I just have to share.  We got a new puppy a couple of months ago.  I have never crate trained a dog before, but my good friend let me use an extra crate she had.  It's a little big for our baby, but it has been a lifesaver.  And this morning, Pepper went in there all by herself after our morning run (okay, her run, my stroll).  It is her little private bedroom.  Spoiled brat!

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

on 8/2/11 10:20 pm - Boothwyn, PA

Morning all - Trish, hope you're feeling better - Liz and everyone else as well. Trish, could be the heat affecting Utley, too - I know we're all throwing different things at you - I'd jus****ch him to make sure he doesn't get dehyrated - happens to dogs very quickly.

I'm at work - left early yesterday - the power went out around 1:00 and at 2:00 they closed the office - of course the power must have come on right after that, but it was a little bonus afternoon for me. I wish I could say I made it productive when I got home but sadly I didn't! I did take my laptop home and tried to work but couldn't access our work internet, so that was a bust.

I did get on my bike again last night and went a little farther and longer, so I'm slowing building my speed and resistance and distance back up. I feel really good that I've done it 4 days in a row. I'll be on it again tonight - tomorrow night I'll probably go watch my nephew play softball since they're in the play-offs, but my legs will be ready for a break by then anyway. Last night when I got off I had 'jelly legs' for a bit...

That's about it for me...hope everyone has a great day.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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